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  1. Bruh

    Mission Trips

    Through the years we’ve given money for young people to go on mission trips. The idea was that these young people would help and or maybe get a burden for missions. As we look back our experience tells us that the same young people do not go into missions and it just becomes, a life experience...
  2. Bruh

    Good Ole Days

    Don’t you miss the days of Jack Hyles and Jack Schaap when things were poppin? And we had actual dirt to talk about lol
  3. Bruh

    Steve Anderson has lost it! Fast forward to 1:22 I think he's gone Jack Schaap on us!
  4. Bruh


    It's been awhile since we've discussed this and we have one or two newbies around here. :-)
  5. Bruh

    Sorry, LGBTQRPXT, You Aren?t Born That Way Quote: The progressives? argument for normalizing sexual perversity, and by extension imposing on the God-given religious liberty enshrined in our Constitution, is that people behaving in such ways...
  6. Bruh

    Pedophilia, will it be legal in the not so distant future? It has been said on the FFF that, being a homosexual was illegal at one...
  7. Bruh

    The Transgender Conversation You Need to Have With Your Family QUOTE: What will you do if you walk into a locker room at your pool or gym and come face to face with a naked person of the opposite sex? You may not know in that moment if that person is...
  8. Bruh

    What say you? Agree or disagree?
  9. Bruh

    Helper status again.

    Due to the barrel dropping in price there is a shortage of jobs in the oil field. After many years in the oil field I am a helper again. #1. It's been very very humbling. #2. It really really really is difficult getting filthy nasty dirty every single day. #3. It's really difficult being...
  10. Bruh

    Agree or disagree?

    If the "Dr." in front of your name is not earned, it probably is a good idea to stop mocking a politician who's "not really a conservative".
  11. Bruh

    Art of manliness. Something this generation knows nothing about.
  12. Bruh

    Do you agree that this????? Minute 35 till 40:31 After he gives him the plan of salvation he then leads him in prayer to receive Jesus into his life.  He ask him to repeat after him.  Do you agree with this? And is this how you do it?
  13. Bruh


    Sure is boring down here, you guys will never have the numbers of Hyles Anderson!!!
  14. Bruh

    Could you have actually learned this at.........

    I was thinking about a thread that was started here a week or so ago. The title was something like "Things I never learned at HAC". There were 3 words/phrases that stuck out to me. #1. Hermeneutics = the branch of knowledge that deals with interpretation, especially of the Bible or literary...
  15. Bruh

    Taking it too serious!

    On another thread someone posted something about the bullet proof glass in the main auditorium at FBCH. The poster said something along the lines of, what would happen if the shooter decided to use a side door? And Raider, of course, said the highly trained professional security guards...
  16. Bruh

    Calling all Pastors!

    My family has been a part of 4 IFB churches and 1 SBC church. Disclaimer: we've moved a few times due to work therefore 5 churches. In all 5 churches there has been "soul winning". The 4 IFB churches had organized soul winning on Saturday.  We were expected to go every Saturday without fail...
  17. Bruh

    Marriage Advice from the 1950's

    Take a look!
  18. Bruh

    Be honest.

    Should women be allowed to vote?
  19. Bruh

    Trump is a no show for GOP debate.

    Agree or disagree?
  20. Bruh

    Trump is a no show for GOP debate.

    I love the way he refuses to allow the media to control him.